Forage Budgeting with Andrew Zerner from RCS
GDBLG is pleased to partner with BMRG and the RCS team to bring Andrew Zerner to the area on Saturday 24 June for an informative Pasture Budgeting & Dry Season Pature Management day.
With a much drier 2023 forecast, get on the front foot ahead of our traditionally dry months of August & September.
To be held at Moonbrook, Lower Wonga, an established farm with a variety of landscape and grazing options, this will be a practical and informative day.
Come along and see how to get the most out of your pastures, whatever the weather brings. Morning Tea & Lunch supplied..byo chair if hay bale seats don't suit.
Tickets - $35/person
30 Moonbrook Road, Lower Wonga,
Sign in from 8.30 - commencement time 9am.
Close - 3pm
Ticket Link - https://www.gdblg.org.au/index.cfm?module=event&pagemode=indiv&page_id=1972498
Gympie District Beef Liaison Group Inc invites you to a relaxed evening with MLA Chairman Jason Strong as the guest speaker, while learning and connecting with others at Chatsworth Hall. ...
A day devoted all things soil - what it needs, what is does and how to make it work better for your farm business. Please register for this event through the GDBLG website. ...