Wrap Up for 2023

14th June 2024

The Gympie District Beef Liaison team hope you have been able to take time out to attend some of our various events held throughout the year.  We look forward to bringing you more of the same in 2024.  We sincerely hope 2024 brings a great balance of rain and less stress with these challenging seasons for us all.  We would also like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a safe, happy and prosperous new year. 

A few points of interest below to wrap up for the year...............

If you or someone you know was affected by the recent bushfires in the North Burnett and other surrounding regions, we have provided an update on information and resources available.  See here for more details Disaster Management Resources

It's not too late to enter a fantastic competition for your chance to win a comprehensive soil assessment on your property valued at $5,000.  Please see here for further details. Win $5000 in soil testing for your property

One of the last workshops of the year will be a Disaster Preparedness Workshop in Maryborough.  If you were impacted by the major flooding events of 2021/2022 or you would like to learn more about the QRIDA Drought Preparedness Grants and Loans through the Farm Business Resilience Program, you don't want to miss this one.  There is free, one on one support available to all primary producers.  As part of Industry Recovery and Resilience Program, QRIDA are now offering a $7,500 technical services rebate for eligible primary producers for flood mitigation, including advice on services such as grazing land management and landscape hydration/advice to slow the flow over land. See more details here Disaster Preparedness Workshop



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